Lina Maggina, ESG and Sustainability Manager

Lina Maggina, ESG and Sustainability Manager

Lina has over 14 years of experience as a Sustainability Specialist in the telecommunications sector, as an executive of OTE Group of Companies. In her role as ESG and Sustainability Manager of the Advisory & Project Management Dept., of Global Sustain Group, she is responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing ESG and Sustainability projects in Greece and abroad, such as Sustainable Strategy, Governance, Sustainable Finance, Integrated Reporting, Stakeholder Engagement, Materiality Analysis, Impact and Socioeconomic Assessment. 

She has long experience of various Sustainability Reporting Standards and Guidelines, such as GRI, UNGC, ISO26000, PRI, AA1000 APS, ATHEX ESG Guide, SDGs, etc. Her vast experience in the field of telecommunications, gives her salient knowledge in developing Non-Financial Reports (NFR) pursuant to the European NFR Directive and other internationally recognized frameworks.

She has a strong knowledge regarding sustainability trends, sustainable development practices, integrated reporting, sustainability reporting guidelines (GRI, AA1000), along with expertise in the field of Corporate Communications (BTL corporate campaigns, press releases).

She holds an MSc. In European Politics and Policy from UCL (University College London), and a B.A in “Translation and Interpretation” from the University of Strasbourg “Marc Bloch” (Strasbourg II).