OTE: Recognized “A-” on CDP’s list for tackling climate change

OTE recognized “A-” for the first time from the international not for profit charity CDP (ex Carbon Disclosure Project) for its transparency and performance in climate change. For 2021, OTE is named on CDP’s “Leadership Α/Α-” category, among 12,000 companies assessed, and is one of the two companies in Greece in this category. This year’s score places OTE well above the European average and that of the media, telecommunications and data center services sector in which it operates.

OTE received a higher score for certified monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions throughout its value chain, for its performance to reduce them, and for the governance of issues related to combating climate change. This score is the result of the OTE Group’s long-term commitment to climate change and its consistent environmental strategy about it, which is at the core of the Group’s sustainable development strategy.

OTE Group’s Executive Director for Corporate Communications and Sustainability, Deppie Tzimea, noted that “Such a high score for OTE from an internationally acknowledged body such as CDP is of crucial importance. It recognises and rewards our systematic effort and the strategy we have adopted in response to climate crisis. The COSMOTE network is already green and operates with electricity from 100% renewable energy sources. Our major goal is to achieve a zero carbon footprint from our operations by 2025 and from the entire value chain by 2040, in the context of the Deutsche Telekom Group’s climate change strategy. We are forging ahead even more dynamically for a better world for all. A world we owe to the future generations.”

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system on the impacts on climate, forests and water security for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. For assessments, it uses a detailed methodology that examines the completeness of reports, awareness of the severity of environmental threats and their management, and demonstration of good practices, such as setting ambitious and substantial targets.

OTE has been a CDP member since 2010. It also responds to analysts’ assessments and participates in a number of international and national sustainable development indexes, including: FTSE4 Good, VIGEO-EIRIS Best Emerging Performers from Moody’s ESG Solutions, ATHEX ESG index, “Prime” Corporate ESG Performance from ISS-ESG, MSCI ESG Research and the Bloomberg LP Gender Equality Index (GEI).

Source: Press Release