The expression of interest in participating in Global Sustain annual edition, Yearbook 2014/15, is gaining momentum. Once again this year, high-profile international organisations, such as the United Nations and the European Commission, participate in the prestigious annual edition.
Global Sustain, for the eighth consecutive year, lays the foundation for discussion on major sustainability issues, of global interest. This year’s edition entitled “The Power of Collaboration” focuses on the importance of partnerships that extend beyond the national boundaries.
In the era of globalisation, partnerships are crucial to organisations in order to operate successfully. In a global environment, where developments and expectations about economic, environmental and technological issues makes the operation of organisations a challenging task; synergies between business and Non-Governmental Organizations, Government and Civil Society are the key to create sustainable solutions, and shared value for stakeholders.
This Yearbook focuses, among others, on the following topics:
- Win-win partnerships
- Facilitating supplier collaboration
- Delivering long-lasting, mutual benefits with innovative strategic partnerships
- Joining forces for human rights and transparency issues
- Quantifying and measuring partnerships’ true value
- Collaboration between academics, companies, NGOs and governments
- The impact of business goals on engagement in social partnerships
- Encouraging and incentivising employees to engage into collaborative actions
- Transforming stakeholder dialogue into stakeholder collaboration
- Communicating collaborations effectively
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and partnerships
The current edition highlights CEOs, corporations and organisations from all around the world, leading the way in sustainability-driven collaborations. There will be research and viewpoints of top experts, decision-makers, policy formers, Nobel Laureates and gurus who will share their vision and expertise regarding this timely subject, with a global audience.
Few of the international agencies and organisations that participate:
- Carlos Moedas, Commissioner, Research, Science and Innovation, European Commission
- Georg Kell, Executive Director, UN Global Compact
- Kandeh K. Yumkella, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, CEO of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative
- Peter Bakker, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Alastair Fischbacher, Director, Sustainable Shipping Initiative
- Alicia Marie, Founder & Managing Director, People Biz, Inc.
- Anne Gregory, Chair, Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
- Danielle Chesebrough, Senior Manager of Investor Engagements with the UN Global Compact, Co-Coordinator, Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative
- Fabiola Gianotti, Research physicist, ATLAS experiment former coordinator, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- Fiona Reynolds, Managing Director, UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- Hazel Henderson, D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, President, Ethical Markets Media
- Jeremy Nicholls, CEO & Chairman, The SROI Network, SIAA, Social Value UK
- Kim Carstensen, Director General, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
- Norma Schönherr & Adele Wiman, Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Polly Courtice, Director, Cambridge University, Institute for Sustainability Leadership
- Ralph Thurm, Managing Director, A│HEAD│
- Dr. Sally Uren, Chief Executive, Forum for the Future
- Tobias Webb, Founder and Managing Director, Innovation Forum
- Tom Smith, Acting General Manager, Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX)
Here are the top-10 benefits of your participation:
- You will be placed next to high profile, international leaders (business, academia, influential decision-makers, policy formers and renowned personalities) and enhance your global image.
- Distribution to key stakeholders including (inter)governmental, citizen sector, financial, academic and corporate leaders, world-wide (50 countries in 4 continents).
- Increased global media attention.
- High exposure and networking with key global institutions and companies.
- Prove your commitment in sustainability and exchange of knowhow.
- An ideal platform to introduce new products or services.
- Attract industry attention and potential partners sharing same values and vision.
- Present at the launch events (Greece and European Parliament in Brussels) and interact directly with other participants.
- A publication endorsed by organisations such as the European Commission and the United Nations.
- Use this prestigious publication as a promotional and business tool.
The Yearbook will be published in June 2015 and presented in special events.
For further information regarding the Yearbook series you may visit the following address: