MYTILINEOS Group is publishing its Sustainability Report for 2014, which reflects its intention to provide concise and complete information on its ESG (Environmental – Social – Governance) performance, for the Group’s Corporate Centre as well as for its subsidiaries.
The Group’s Sustainability Report 2014 was prepared for the first time in accordance with the new Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4 “In accordance – Core”) of the GRI Organisation. The Report places particular emphasis on the Materiality Analysis process, which also provided the framework for determining the Report’s key contents. The Group’s successful adaptation of this process to the G4 Guidelines, which was also confirmed by the Materiality Disclosure Service of the GRI Organisation itself, allowed a more effective identification of the Materiality Issues, as well as the description of their impacts and the latter’s boundaries at the Group subsidiaries’ level, also taking into account the expectation of the Group’s key Stakeholders.
CSR Milestones for MYTILINEOS Group in 2014
- The results of the Group’s successful strategy are reflected in its strong economic performance for 2014, the steady decline in net borrowing (which dropped by more than €370 million over the last two years) and the keeping of the 2,500 direct and indirect paid jobs that it provides.
- The Group’s total employment increased by 6.7%.
- ALUMINIUM OF GREECE launched the “ENGINEERS IN ACTION” programme, aimed at strengthening employment and social cohesion by providing paid fixed-term employment to 11 young engineers.
- The Group strengthened its Stakeholder Engagement process, seeking to actively involve its key Stakeholder groups in the ongoing dialogue on major sustainability issues and in relevant initiatives, as well as to provide them with the fullest possible information.
- The rate of accidents at the workplace was improved by 35% for Group employees.
- The Group invested more than €9 million to support the implementation of its environmental policy.
- The total quantity of waste produced by the Group’s activities was reduced by 12.6%.
- The Group was one of the signatories of the UNGC “Call to Action” initiative against Corruption and Bribery.
For MYTILINEOS Group, CSR Governance is a multifaceted and complex process characterised by its conscious self-commitment to the achievement of Continuous Responsible Development, guided by its vision and values and striving to balance business growth with the support of society and the environment. The goal and pledge of MYTILINEOS Group, especially during these times of uncertainty, is to continue to be a driving force for growth and progress in the Greek economy and society.
To read the Sustainability Report 2014, please open the attached pdf file.