TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS has taken over the training of executives of the Palestinian Standardization Organization in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001. This project was completed in the context of TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS’ activation in Middle East in combination with the long time and specialized experience in Quality Management Systems Certification sector.
Specifically, Mr. George Kokkinos, Management Systems Lead Auditor & Lead Tutor of TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS carried out a fully educational fifteen days program concerning the specializing of the executives in the quality management systems requirements, procedures and auditing techniques based on International Standard ISO 19011. This training was one of the fundamental steps towards the country’s attempt for the creation of the regulatory framework for building in a more effective and efficient way the standardization and the accreditation schemes of Palestine.
It has to be noted that TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS is going to contribute further the Palestinian Standardization Organization for establishing the pillars of the quality in the country.