Panhellenic Student Competition LYSI@S

For yet another year, COSMOTE supports the Panhellenic Student Competition “LYSI@S” ( and promotes the good sportsmanship amongst students, the pedagogical and educational approach of knowledge as well as cooperation and teamwork amongst children!

In 2015, more than 39.600 Primary School, Junior High School and High School students, from Greece, Cyprus and abroad, participated at the Online competition, organized by Doukas Schools, under the aegis of the Hellenic Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.

Via the online site of “LYSI@S”, students combine knowledge with fun, by answering questions that concern school curricula and daily life. Competitors can access the internet from everywhere. At the final stage, those selected are examined at authorized exam centers.

It is worth mentioning that over the past years, for every participation, an amount is offered for the aid of “ELPIDA” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer.

Find out more about the competition, here!