Renewal of triple certification of the biggest private hospital of Greece (HYGEIA Hospital) by TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS

TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS has successfully completed the annual audit of systems according to ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001 (Management System for Occupational Health and Safety) of HYGEIA Hospital. The initial certification had been completed in 2014. The integrated management system includes all the administrative services, laboratories, clinics and departments of the hospital.

Moreover, HYGEIA is the only hospital in Greece which has received PAS 99 as well, for the application of an integrated management system of quality, environment and occupational health and safety.

All the above certifications confirm that HYGEIA is bound to offer services of high quality, to have respect for the environment and to provide the infrastructure for safe working conditions.

The contribution of TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS is equivalent with the experience and the prestige of one of the greatest certification bodies in Greece which offers high quality services to the biggest and most historical private hospital in Greece.