Brazil, the race to recycle is a marathon with prizes

Ampla and Coelce, an Enel Group distribution company, organised a team marathon to collect waste and recyclable material. The most “virtuous” teams will receive awards and discounts on energy bills for charitable organisations.

Through the simple act of sorting waste, not only are we performing a civic duty, we are contributing to saving energy, water and raw material, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the economic and social development of the territory through the creation of new jobs.
In Brazil, customers of the Enel Group distribution companies Ampla and Coelce will receive an additional benefit: by collecting their household waste, they can receive discounts on their electricity bills. Two years ago, the two companies launched the programmes Ecoampla, in Rio de Janeiro, and Ecoelce, in the State of Ceará. To participate, customers must first obtain an identification card by displaying their electricity bill and then visit one of the collection points – usually located in supermarkets, shops or schools – to deposit their waste.
A software programme establishes the energy bonus for each customer, based on the type and quality of waste they have deposited. The value of the discount is then transmitted to Endesa Brazil’s billing system. If the bonus is greater than the total amount of the bill, the surplus is applied on future bills. The customer also has the option to grant his bonus to another person, company or institution.
Last August, Ampla and Coelce organised a waste collection marathon with prizes, which will end on September 30th. Teamwork is the key word in this initiative. The fifteen registered teams will in fact collect and sort recyclable waste in their homes or in the vicinity, and then bring them to the Ecoampla and Ecoelce collection points. The team that collects the largest amount of waste will win a tablet for each member, in addition to a discount on electric bills for a charity of their choice, chosen when registering for the marathon.
Programmes like Ecoampla and Ecoelce guarantee social benefits to the community, by promoting energy efficiency and reducing the incidence of diseases due to poor waste and environmental benefits, by reducing the use of raw materials and the impact of waste. These initiatives also bring about economic benefits: less expensive bills lead to an increased number of customers and fewer unpaid bills and thefts on the network, thus encouraging the development of the waste recycling industry.
This among other sustainability projects by the Enel Group have already brought electricity and development support to more than one million people, thus contributing to four of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals that our company is committed to achieve.