AB VASSILOPOULOS: The company switches off the lights for the 9th consecutive year and invites us to do the same!

AB Vassilopoulos participates for the 9thconsecutive year in the “Earth Hour” and, on Saturday 19 March, invites us to “switch on the green light” for all the environmental activities. 

Once again, this year, the company demonstrates its sensitivity in significant environmental issues such as climate change. To this respect, for a whole weekend, (Saturday 19 March, 8pm until Monday 21 March, 8pm), all external AB’s luminous shop signs will be switched off. Moreover, AB Vassilopoulos invites its customers, on Saturday 19 March, to participate in the company’s initiative and rewards them – only for the specific day – with 20 extra points, added on their AB Plus card: – By buying “terra leaf” paper products (toilet & kitchen paper) and AB Terra Leaf trash bags – By buying AB Think Eco detergents – By buying and/or using AB reusable bags The “Earth Hour” symbolically lasts one hour but all the environmental actions undertaken by AB Vassilopoulos are an indispensable part of the company’s daily activities. Through this way, AB sets the example for even more activities along with the participation of its stakeholders.