European Reliance: Silver Award for the program “Asfalistikos Goneas” at Mobile Excellence Awards

European Reliance received another digital distinction, the Silver Award for the application of the program “Asfalistikos Goneas”, in the category “Mobile applications for Services and Governance” in the Mobile Excellence Awards. 

This distinction was the result of an evaluation of the jury, taking into consideration the following:
  • Proven success in the market and benefits for the Company (sales, users, productivity).
  • Innovation and originality of the application.
  • Best Practice/ Methodology, ways to implement and utilize the project.
  • Impact and benefit for the sector, the society and the economy.
  • Quality and fullness of text. 
The Mobile Excellence Awards are organized by Boussias Communications and the E-Business Research Center (ELTRUN) of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and aim to bring out digital innovation and the best practices for the market and the ecosystem of mobile business. 

Mr Kostas Halkiotis, Head of Marketing & Communications of the Company, received the award for European Reliance and among others, stated: “The adjustment to digital technology and its wide use of tools and possibilities is an imperative need, if an Organization wishes to respond to the new market data, as they are currently shaped in Greece and abroad.

Within this framework, European Reliance with the application of the program Asfalistikos Goneas replies to the new data, facilitating users with the best user experience”. 

Download the application at