Michael Spanos, Senior Associate, AHC Group and Managing Director, Global Sustain Group, participated at “The 37th Bi-Annual Corporate Affiliates Achieving Results Executive Workshop” on January 23/24-2019 at Phoenix, Arizona.
Michael Spanos chaired the Workshop entitled “Delivering on the Bottom Line”.
Among speakers were: Linda Froelich, Global Corporate Sustainability Director, FMC Corporation, who talked about “How external advisory councils add value”. Libby Bernick, Global Head of Corporate Sustainability Director, Trucost, referred to “Understanding the SDGs and Business Value: Moving from SDG awareness to action”. Holly Emerson, Senior Sustainability Analyst Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, Ingersoll Rand addressed “SDGs in Action”. Mike Wallace, Partner, BrownFlynn, closed the session with “20+Years of Evolving ESG Guidance”
The AHC Group “Achieving Results” leadership benchmarking workshop series is a process of transformational corporate learning, featuring the experiences and innovations of AHC Group Senior Associates, clients, and global leading Corporate Affiliate Program member organizations.
You can find the Corporate Affiliate Members here.
Save the Date for the next AHC Group Energy Competitiveness Workshop at April 3-4, 2019 at the Calvert Research and Management Headquarters Washington, DC.