OTE: Educational Robotics Olympiad WRO 2019: Students from around the world design the Smart Cities of the future

Participation forms for the national competition WRO with COSMOTE as strategic partner, at www.wrohellas.gr

Smart Cities of the future is the subject of Educational World Robot Olympiad 2019, that will be held in November in Hungary, with the participation of thousands of students from all over the world. The Greek mission that will represent our country at this top event will be showcased at the National Competition organized at the end of July by the Non-Profit Organization of Educational Robotics and Science WRO Hellas with COSMOTE as strategic partner. 

COSMOTE is the strategic partner of WRO Hellas for the last six years, investing in the development of young people’s digital skills and aims at the dissemination of educational robotics and STEM method all over Greece, thus, contributing to a world better for all through technology. 

Submissions at the National Competition have started. Students from all over Greece can register online until 10th of June 2019 at WRO Hellas webpage (www.wrohellas.gr).    

Over the past six years, students’ participations in educational robotics competitions have exceeded 17,000.     

Educational World Robot Olympiad 2019 is dedicated to the smart cities of the future 

World Robot Olympiad is a significant global event for science, technology and education. The aim of this event is to enable young people to develop their creativity and their skills in solving problems, by participating in complex social and environmental challenges in order to contribute to a world better for all. Until now, Greece has conquered two medals and several Olympic distinctions. 

In the light of this year’s Olympiad, students are challenged to present new innovative ideas in order to assist to the construction of the smart cities of the future, where the extended use of digital technologies will contribute in saving resources and in environmental protection, thus improving citizens’ daily life. 

Students are requested to present robotic constructions with regard to Smart Passenger Transport, Smart Lighting, Smart Networks, Smart Governance, Smart Education and Smart workplaces.