The leading European Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) rating agency, EcoVadis, awarded a silver medal to
MYTILINEOS as a reward for its business practices and its commitment to
sustainable development.
The EcoVadis rating system (CSR Rating) measures the quality of a company’s
Corporate Social Responsibility management system based on its policies,
practices and their outcomes. The assessment is made according to 21 criteria,
grouped into four thematic units: environment, labor practices and human rights,
good business practices and sustainable procurement. The criteria are based on
international CSR standards, such as the UN Global Compact principles, the
International Labor Organization (ILO) conditions, the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) standards, ISO 26000 and the CERES principles. EcoVadis covers 198
categories of suppliers in 155 countries, and it involves more than 150 experienced
Corporate Social Responsibility analysts. Since 2007, more than 55,000
companies and 300 industry leaders have joined the EcoVadis assessment
According to the assessment findings, MYTILINEOS is at the top 30% of all
companies assessed by EcoVadis. It has also attained noteworthy results per
thematic unit, since MYTILINEOS, thanks to its score, managed to rank among the
14% of top suppliers in “Labor Practices – Human Rights” and among the respective
22% of top suppliers in “Environment”.
MYTILINEOS’ commitment to Sustainable Development, as a vital element of its
business model, is reflected not only on this specific distinction, but also on the
company’s overall operation. In 2018, MYTILINEOS aimed at its further
improvement and undertook significant strategic actions, including, indicatively, the
- The application, for the first time, of the Corporate Responsibility Diagnosis and Management System: ΜΙΑ (Maturity & Integration Assessment) Tool, one of the CSR Europe assessment tools, in order to evaluate the level of integration and maturity of its corporate responsibility, so that it can improve it in certain fields.
- The first formal assessment of its 147 key suppliers, in Responsible Entrepreneurship issues.
- The implementation, for the 9 the consecutive year, of the formal consultation process with its Social Partners, through the thematic dialogue titled “Developing a Responsible Supply Chain”.
- The evaluation of more than 150 requests from several social groups, via its social management platform named “In Practice”.
- The implementation of 22 social actions or programs (at a central level).
- The participation in new investment ESG indicators/platforms such as: ISS Quality Score, THOMPSON Reuters ESG, Arabesque S-RAY & CSR-HUB.
- Moreover, the company renewed its support to the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact concerning the respect and protection of labor and human rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.
Lastly, MYTILINEOS, by joining the EcoVadis CSR assessment platform,
responded directly to the relevant request of its customers, giving them access to
its performance and relative reports, which they can be used as a purchasing