Today, the investment environment is «dominated» by a plethora of non-financial factors that influence investors in the investment valuation and decision-making process. This reality has led to a new investment culture, the Responsible Investments, where investors make their decisions based on criteria related to natural resources conservation, the social prosperity and community cohesion, and the effective corporate governance. (ESG Factors).
The most renowned initiative to promote responsible investment worldwide is PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment). PRI was established with the support of the United Nations Global Compact and UNEP FI regarding the adoption and implementation of six principles of responsible investing. Today, the PRI lists more than 2,800 member companies with total assets under management of $ 90 trillion.
Global Sustain participates in PRI since June 2014 as a “Service Provider” Signatory, being the first member of the initiative that operates in Greece, recognizing the importance of responsible investment principles and the value of integrating them into the investment policies of the asset management companies in Greece.
Over the last years, under the support and guidance of Global Sustain, the asset management companies of the four banking groups in Greece, with total assets under management of over eight billion euros, have joined the PRI as “Investment Manager” Signatories and committed to adopt responsible investment principles in their investment policies.
Global Sustain supported the asset management companies in the implementation of the requirements in the process of joining the initiative, an effort that was successfully completed for all four, namely, Eurobank Asset Management MFMC, Alpha Asset Management MFMC, Piraeus Asset Management MFMC and National Asset Management MFMC.
The inclusion of the four companies in the PRI initiative is particularly important, as these companies are the cornerstone of the Greek investment scene. Aligning their activities with the latest trends in the industry, and in particular in consideration of the forthcoming implementation of the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Framework, makes Greece a credible market, attractive to any investor and contribute decisively to social prosperity, the upgrade of the Greek economy, the preservation of the natural environment, and the implementation of corporate governance principles.
About Global Sustain Group
Founded in 2006, Global Sustain with offices in Athens, Berlin, Brussels, London, New York and Nicosia, creates awareness and inspires and supports companies and organisations to embody sustainability, through advisory, communications, networking and training, with a focus on the people-planet-profit philosophy. Its members include corporations, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, municipalities and local authorities, educational foundations, media, professional bodies, think tanks and other public or private entities. Global Sustain is a signatory to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a GRI Data Partner and Organisational Stakeholder (OS), an affiliated member of the Academy of Business in Society, TCFD, Social Value International, Institute of Directors, CEO Clubs and EFQM. /