Mytilineos: Donation of 65 specialized respirators for the country’s ICUs

Over the years, MYTILINEOS has been there to provide its full support, providing important resources in times of need

Press Release

Our country, along with the entire planet, is fighting an invisible enemy. While we know we will come out victorious, the collective target is to do so with as few human casualties as possible.

Over the years, MYTILINEOS has been there to provide its full support, providing important resources in times of need. In this current situation, ongoing close cooperation with the relevant authorities has been a top priority, in order to properly assess the reals needs so that assistance will be targeted and effective.

For this reason, from the very first moment, our Company has been in close contact with the Ministry of Health and, in line with their needs, has proceeded with the purchase of 65 specialized respirators for use in intensive care facilities, to support patients in need of critical care. But, our support does not end here. We remain in close contact with the relevant health authorities and are committed to provide our support wherever possible to contain this emergency. Together, we will overcome.

For more details, please contact: Ms. Antigoni Fakou: MYTILINEOS Press Office Tel. +30 210-6877346 | Fax +30 210- 6877400 | E-mail

MYTILINEOS S.A. is a leading Greek industrial company active in Metallurgy, Power & Gas and EPC & Infrastructure Projects. Established in Greece in 1990, the Company is listed on the Athens Exchange, has a consolidated turnover in excess of €2.3 billion and employs directly and indirectly more than 3,380 people in Greece and abroad. For more information please visit: | Facebook | Twitter | YouTubeLinkedIn

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Image Source: Karastelev