GEP: Health & Safety in Practice!

The 5 Basic Steps in order to create a Health & Safety Culture in Business!

Press Release
The process from the assignment of the Health and Safety project until Health & Safety becomes culture for the organization you represent, include the following steps:
Step 1
Analysis of direct and indirect risks for employees and business. Our initial study looks at the current state of risk in business.
Step 2
Create action and compliance plan with all the legal requirements included. We are developing a new plan that will improve the level of Health & Safety for every employee, while studying its full alignment with the legal framework.
Step 3
Apply best practice to achieve goals and highlight long-term benefits and ROI. We create the long-term plan for the business, by setting clear goals in relation to the financial indicators.
Step 4
Everybody participates. The plan includes practices that ensure the involvement of both management and all employees, as this is important for achieving the goals.
Step 5
Establish procedures and indicators for monitoring Occupational Health & Safety (OSH) performance. Once the processes start to work, we are in the process of monitoring project performance with measurable indicators