GEP: From today’s Health & Safety (OSH) level questions, to the right answers for a better future

GEP has developed and implemented a specific safety culture assessment program for companies of all types, under the title “Safety Culture Survey and Beyond”

Press Release

Strategic planning: From today’s Health & Safety (OSH) level questions, to the right answers for a better future.

The questions you can ask concerning the  Occupational Health & Safety (OSH) in the business you represent are very specific:
  • “Where am I;”
  • “Where should I aim to go?”
  • “How will I choose to go?”
  • “Does the chosen path works or do I have to change something?”

GEP, by applying the existing safety culture / climate assessment-evaluation program, will give you specific, measurable answers to the above questions, as well as documented strategic planning suggestions / reliable implementation solutions for improving and developing the right Occupational Health & Safety path for the  business you are representing.

Every corporate organization has a degree of “Safety Culture”.

Safety culture is not one-dimensional, but rather it characterizes the whole organization and runs all of its functions, regardless of whether they are directly and visibly involved in the risks or not, whether it is in Design, Financial Services, Management of Human Resources, Production, Maintenance, Sales, Marketing or any other field within the highly complex organization chart of a modern and dynamic business.

Depending on the results of the Safety Culture Survey & Beyond program and the strategic planning you choose, both options for implementing Behavior-Based Safety programs as well as formal specific safety systems, can be followed,  thereby enhancing the factors (technical, organizational and human) that determine the overall performance of Health & Safety.

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