RSM: Covid-19: Latest governmental decision for the extension of the deadline for fulfillment of the liabilities of those benefited by the 25% discount

Extension until 15.6.2020

Press Release

With the decision Α.1126/2020 (Government Gazette 2166/Β/04-06-2020) of the Deputy Minister of Finance, an extension until 15.6.2020 has been announced for the deadlines for payment of the certified debts to the Tax Authorities/Audit Centers that expire within May 2020 for the following categories:
  1. companies and individuals entitled to the benefit of a discount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the provisions of paragraph 7 of Article 1 of Article 11 of Act No. 113.2020 (A ’55), as ratified with article 2 of law 4682/2020 (A ’76), as this paragraph was added with par. 1 of article 3 of law 4690/2020 (A’ 104),
  2. individuals – property lessors who are entitled to the benefit of the discount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the provisions of the first paragraph of paragraph 3 of article 14 of Law 4690/2020 (A ‘104).

An extension of the deadline, up to the same date and for the same categories is also provided for the payment of debts that are in the regime of settlement/facilitation of partial payment, whose installments expire within May 2020.

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