Oramique: Somethings Cooking…

Somethings Cooking…

After a wonderfully productive day, it’s time for some hearty Hellenic food. 

We are living trying and frightening times, in many ways. There are so many ways we can help ourselves live through it in the best way possible, in spite of the fact that we can’t change what’s happening to us all. When this storm is over we’ll have to face a different reality. It’s time to reassess and reinvent ourselves, our companies, and our way of life. Our sustainability and that of our society and planet can’t continue as we have done for decades. We can weather this storm with balance, healthy choices, frugal steps, and support from one another, and when we come out of it, we’ll face the next step. The easy way is to look for “comfort’ food, drink, and  habits, but this will only serve to exacerbate our stress, fear, pessimism, and will not support our health or energy. At least this is in our hands. 

#healthychoices #humansustainability #weatherthestorm #personaldevelopment #oramique

Article and photo source: https://www.facebook.com/Oramique-146165525522682/