GEP Group of Companies implements a materiality analysis

GEP Group of Companies, in the context of its Sustainability Strategy development, implements for the first time a materiality analysis of its economic, social and environmental impacts, exploring and taking into account the evaluation and the assessment of its stakeholders.

Stakeholders are the entities or individuals that may be significantly affected by the Group’s activities, or those that may affect its operation and activities.

As GEP’s valuable stakeholder you are invited to go through the survey and help GEP identify the issues that you consider important for the responsible operation and sustainable development of the Group.

Your evaluation should not take into account the Group’s performance, but it should reflect the significance of GEP’s economic, environmental, and social impacts through the management of the issues presented in this survey. How much does each issue influence your assessments and decisions for GEP, as its stakeholder? 

Please use the link below to answer the questionnaire. The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Answer the questionnaire here

We thank you in advance for your time and contribution in GEP Group Sustainability Strategy development. The results will be publicly available through the Group’s Annual Report 2019.

Article and photo source: Press Release / Newsletter