Global Sustain presents its 4th Annual Integrated Report for the year 2019, pursuant to its long-term commitment to transparency and sustainable development.
The Report constitutes another milestone in communicating the Company’s business performance and sustainability issues, by endorsing more standards, responding thus meeting stakeholder expectations and global commitments.
The Report informs all stakeholders about the Company’s performance in sustainable development material (society, economy, and environment) for the reference year 2019.
Michael Spanos, Managing Director of Global Sustain Group, in an interview included in the Report states: “For almost 15 years now, we have helped companies reimagine their business and services in terms of sustainability and transformation. One thing is for sure: there is no business success without sustainability. This is evident in the way global institutions operate and in their investment decisions. Regulations and tools encourage companies to embrace sustainability, enhance business operations, and gain competitive advantage. Our mission is to inform and train them on how to embed these in their business.”
The Report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards, the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the principles of the AA1000APS 2008 standard and the German Sustainability Code. For the fourth consecutive year, alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are linked to GRI indicators, is presented along with the company’s response to its commitment as a signatory to the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment). For the first time, specific reference is made to climate change in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
The content of the Report related to sustainability issues has received full external assurance from TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, while the financial data have been audited by RSM SA. for Greece, Oury Clark for the United Kingdom and Schwarzkopf for Germany. The graphic design was delivered by the Sympraxis Team (member of Global Sustain).
Global Sustain continued to create value for all stakeholders, through the proper management of all capitals (Economic, Social, Human, Intellectual, and Natural), continuing to invest in new products and services and creating strong and constructive synergies, thus ensuring growth and long-term sustainability.
• 100% Climate Neutral Company
• 78% Members Retention Rate
• 75 Conferences and Events
• 42% Increase in Investment in Human Resources
• 39 Hours of Training per Employee
• 15% Social Product Increase
• 11% Turnover Increase
• 10 Volunteering Hours per Employee
• 3 International Forums for Sustainability, ESG and Sustainable Finance (Athens, Berlin, and Frankfurt)
In 2019, Global Sustain was established in the ESG industry (Environment, Society & Governance) as well as Sustainable Finance and Investing services, through the implementation of major projects for financial institutions, asset managers and investors, collaborating with international organisations, such as EBRD and EIB, delivering training and capacity building programmes in Europe, Middle East, and North Africa.
It is worth mentioning that the Report was completed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the 2020 targets show the firm’s solid commitment to sustainable growth.
You can download the Annual Report 2019 here.
About Global Sustain Group
Founded in 2006, Global Sustain Group with companies in London, Berlin and Athens and representation offices in Brussels, Cairo, Larnaca and New York, creates awareness and inspires and supports companies and organisations to embody sustainability, through advisory, communications, networking and training, with a focus on the people-planet-profit philosophy. The firm provides specialised services in the field of ESG, Sustainable Finance and Training, Corporate Responsibility, E&S Risk, Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development. Global Sustain is a signatory to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a GRI Gold Community and Data Partner, an affiliated member of the Academy of Business in Society, Social Value International, Institute of Directors, TCFD, and CEO Clubs ( |