EDEKT Asset Management S.A., considering the necessity of responsible investment decisions based on ESG criteria, joined the “Principles for Responsible Investment” (PRI) initiative as “Investment Manager Signatory”, with the guidance and support of the specialised consulting firm Global Sustain.
PRI is the most recognised and accredited initiative for the promotion of responsible investments and the integration of ESG criteria into investment decisions in a global level, created with the support of the United Nations. Today, PRI lists more than 3,500 companies and organisations with almost USD 100 trillion AuM.
EDEKT is now the first public sector institutional investor to sign the PRI, by joining the initiative, EDEKT SA adopts the following principles of responsible investments:
• Incorporation of ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
• Active ownership and incorporation of ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
• Seeking of appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which the company invests.
• Promotion of acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
• Collaboration for the enhancement of the corporate effectiveness in the implementation of the principles.
• Submission of a Transparency Report regarding the activities and implementation progress of principles.
Ms. Artemis Panagiotopoulou , CEO of EDEKT Asset Management S.A. stated: “Our activities have in their center the responsibility, In EDEKT Asset Management we aim our investments to have a positive impact on social prosperity and development, the protection and conservation of natural resources and the enhancement of corporate governance“.
Mr. Michael Spanos, Managing Director of Global Sustain Group quoted: “We remain committed to our efforts for dissemination and implementation of the ESG criteria, supporting organizations to adopt and make responsible investment decisions, thus creating shared value“.
The UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is a global network of investors working together to implement the six Principles for Responsible Investment. The purpose of this initiative is to understand the impact of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) factors for investors and to support the participants in the initiative to integrate these factors into their investment process in terms of decision-making practices and capital ownership. By applying the principles, participants contribute to the development of a more sustainable global financial system. www.unpri.org
EDEKT Asset Management S.A., founded under the Law 2768|1999 as an Investment Services Company and supervised by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, maintains a leading position in the management of insurance reserves in Greece, offering a wide range of investment services. Our aim to provide insurance funds with a comprehensive package of consulting and investment services. Dragatsaniou 8 – Athens 105 59, T: 2103258500, www.edekt.gr
Global Sustain Group with companies in London, Berlin and Athens and representation offices in Brussels, New York and Nicosia, creates awareness and inspires and supports companies and organisations to embody sustainability, through advisory, communications, networking and training, with a focus on the people-planet-profit philosophy. Its members include corporations, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, municipalities and local authorities, educational foundations, media, professional bodies, think tanks and other public or private entities. www.globalsustain.org / www.globalsustaingroup.com
Article and photo source: Press Release / Newsletter