Withdrawal of incandescent lamps

Today, enterprises are among the most fervent supporters of environmental protection and the best proof is the existence of the term “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Sustainable Growth functions as an integral element of a company?s development, respecting ecological balance and social progress, while accepting at the same time a company?s economic growth.

It?s common sense that the climatic change influences everybody. Every institution works hard in order to solve the problem. The experts ask for the maintenance of temperature levels under the danger limit of +2°C (35.60F). To achieve this, they point out that the emissions reduction should be between 60% and 80% in the industrial countries and 50% worldwide till 2050.

Greenpeace campaign influenced AB, which decided to withdraw all the incandescent lamps till 2010 and sell only low-energy bulbs. Meanwhile, AB continuously increases the types of low-energy bulbs sold in its store and in collaboration with providing companies create informational public campaigns. For all the above, Greenpeace classified the company on level C of a scale based on the company?s engagement of Incandescence lamps withdrawal. AB is among the very few and first super markets that decided to take such a radical initiative for the environmental protection.