EuroCharity visits EXODUS S.A.’s headquarters in Athens during the Hellenic Management Association’s ‘Quality Week’

Following its latest European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) “Recognised for Excellence in Europe” award, EXODUS S.A. yesterday welcomed a group of interested executives (among whom were two EuroCharity senior executives), clients and local authorities to its headquarters in Athens, giving a presentation and hosting a discussion on the Greek software and IT company’s mission to quality management and its commitment to business excellence.

Founded in 1994 and a member of the Piraeus Bank Group since 2000, EXODUS is one of Greece’s leading software houses and e-solutions providers, offering a wide spectrum of value-added services — including state-of-the-art multichannel banking, Intranet, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), integrated anti-moneylaundering software and Internet application solutions — to banks, financial institutions, the public sector and private-sector companies.

To date, EXODUS’s milestones to business excellence include:

April 2003: EXODUS’s first step towards business excllence: EFQM’s “Committed to Excellence in Europe” award (first level)

April 2004: EXODUS’s next major achievement towards business excellence: the EFQM’s “Recognised for Excellence in Europe” award (second level) 

May 2006: EXODUS’s latest achievement towards business excellence: EFQM’s third-level “Recognised for Excellence in Europe”

With a successful track record of over a decade and 50 employees (as at June 30, 2006), EXODUS is one of Greece’s most dynamic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the dynamic, rapidly-changing Information Technology and software in Greece and the wider region of South-East Europe. Its commitment to business excellence and Corporate Social Responsibility is deeply rooted into the company’s culture, ethics and values.

During the “dot-com” boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s, Mr. George Konstantinidis, the company’s visionary CEO, set out realistic goals and, together with all his colleagues at EXODUS, mapped out a challenging plan towards quality management, business excellence, ISO 9001:2000 certification and corporate social responsibility (CSR) that involved all the company’s stakeholders (employees, clients, suppliers, community, shareholders and partners).

EuroCharity wishes to thank EXODUS and the Hellenic Management Association (HMA/EEDE) for their kind invitation and sincerely hopes that more Greek SME will follow in EXODUS’s footsteps in their strive towards quality management, business excellence and CSR.

It is worth noting that two of EXODUS’s senior executives, Mrs. Dorothe Marschall and Mrs. Zoi Christogerou, are now EFQM assessors and members of the company’s CSR Committee, while they and their colleagues at EXODUS are committed to and pro-actively involved in the Greek software and IT company’s vision, mission and values.

We would especially like to thank both Mrs. Marschall and Mrs. Chrystogerou for their presentation, enthusiasm and for sharing their knowledge, expertise and experience with some of their partners, clients, associates and other interested parties.