TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS cooperates on a regular basis in Greece and abroad with the largest electrical production and installation companies that operate by conventional and renewable energy sources. It already holds a leading position on the inspection and certification of photovoltaic installations. TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS activates also in the field of wind energy, with the inspection and the certification of wind parks.
TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS’ services are offered at various stages of the construction of a wind park, so as to provide to the investors the success assurance:
TÜV AUSTRIA HELLAS’ services are offered at various stages of the construction of a wind park, so as to provide to the investors the success assurance:
- before the construction (through the evaluation of the technical documentation and review of the design build study),
- during the construction (on-site presence with field inspection so as to ensure the investors, the financial institutions and the insurance companies about the wind park’s reliability),
- during the operation of the park (with periodic inspection and/ or due diligence).