As a supplement to the distribution to all the employees, the group has setted up in 2010 a Responsibility and Ethics Dynamics programme to help the employees when facing ethical dilemma situations. R&ED formalizes questioning and alert processes which allow asking the good questions and sharing the issue with the right interlocutors.
The preparation to the management of complex situations is also made by a E-learning module, used by 30,000 persons, which allows to properly absorb the significance and scope of “Our Principles of responsibility” in operational contexts.
A new alert canal for the R&ED Programme
Two bodies are currently in position to make sure on one hand of the R&ED programme implementation (governance Committee), on the other hand to allow the associates to assert their alert procedure right with complete confidentiality (compliance Committee). To note, the implementation in 2012 of a professional alarm system called R&ED Line for the whole group. It allows to better protect the company and ensure the employee’s right to express when facing Ethical dilemma situations.
A contribution to the economic performance
We are convinced that the stability & performance of a company reside in responsible values & practices both in the management of people and in the relationship with customers & suppliers. This nomination recognizes our progress and encourages us to do even better. This concrete commitment contributes to the good economic performances and allows raising our level of requirement. An audit realized in 2011 has shown that 75% of the Schneider Electric employees estimate that “Our Principles of responsibility” and the ethical practices that comes with it constitutes a competitive advantage for the Group.
These responsibility and ethics efforts contribute to our company programme in the frame of the Responsible everywhere initiative.
March 6, 2013.