A view of the publication is given below.
This publication is carbon neutral, because all greenhouse gas emissions related to the works in its production chain were first accounted, and then were fully offset by Green Evolution S.A. according to the rules of the certification scheme CO2 Neutral Seal. An inside view of the EuroCharity Yearbook 2012/13 – Innovation for Excellence is given below.
Sources of emissions accounted for the calculation of EuroCharity Yearbook 2012/13 – Innovation for Excellence carbon footprint are the following :
- Paper (FSC)
- Printing (by a FSC Certified Printing Facility, Certification Number : C101658)
- Work
- Transport
The calculation of the carbon footprint was made in compliance with WRI/WBCSD GHG PROTOCOL & ISO 14064-1:2006, and in accordance with INTERGRAF recommendations.
The distribution of the calculated total carbon footprint for the produced EuroCharity Yearbook 2012/13 – Innovation for Excellence is given below.
These emissions were fully offset according to the CO2 Neutral Seal rules through high-quality carbon credits generated by the project “Capacity Upgrade of Gunung Salak Geothermal Power Plant Project”, in Indonesia with ID Num 100000000000180 of the Markit Registry.
The Offset Transaction ID in Markit Registry has Serial No 849-40628245-40628252-VCU-009-TZ1-ID-1-144-01042006-31032009-0. The used carbon credits have been verified via the VCS – Verified Carbon Standard.
The Offset Certification number is CO2NS-0011-4-13-5-1-C and is given below.