The brunch is delivered to the school daily and includes a sandwich every day, a tub of yogurt three times a week and milk twice a week. The meals are kept in a refrigerator donated to the school for this purpose by the company DELTA, a member of VIVARTIA Group. Representatives of the school thanked HYGEIA Group’s Management for its kind offer and underlined that this action would serve as an example and assist in raising awareness among other bodies in these difficult times, all for the benefit of the people in need. The school board honored HYGEIA Group for its offer with the “Fytolakas” award, an honorary diploma awarded to bodies and organizations that support the school.
Commenting on the initiative, HYGEIA Group’s CEO, Ms Areti Souvatzoglou, stated, “We could not but respond with sensitivity to the request of the school’s board to support these children in need, with the aim of caring for and safeguarding their everyday activities at school. In these difficult times for us all, this is the least we can do for the people, and especially the children, in need. The major support we receive from the MIG companies and the HYGEIA employees encourages us to continue our social contribution to vulnerable groups.”