European Reliance Group of Companies published its Sustainability Report for years 2016 and 2017, according to the GRI G4 Guidelines of the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000 Certification.
The goal of the Sustainability Report is to inform all interested parties and the wider public for the impact of the Group’s corporate activities, by presenting its policies, actions and future goals that are based on its socially responsible function.
More specifically, the Report presents the actions that focus on the strengthening of human and labor rights, the support and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies, the contribution to the country’s social problems and prudent corporate governance.
It worth highlighting that European Reliance General Insurance Co. S.A. is the only insurance Company that publishes a Sustainability Report in accordance with the GRI G4 Guidelines of the UN Global Compact and the ISO 26000 Certification.
Moreover, the Organization applies an integrated measurement for the CO2 emissions produced by its function, thus contributing to the country’s sustainable business development.
European Reliance Group of Companies remains a model for corporate governance and promotes a form of development that covers the needs of today, with respect to the future generations, so that they will be also able to cover their needs.
The Sustainability report is available here.