European Reliance: Establishment of a Special Group Insurance Policy

European Reliance has always been close to its Sales Network, and as it acknowledges its significant contribution to the Company, has created a Special Group Insurance Policy.
More specifically, the Company will provide to the Selected Associates of the Sales Network an exclusive Group Pension Plan for Savings, financed by the Company with a specific percentage of the annual written premiums of the first year, on selected products. 

For this purpose, the Company has created a personal savings account for every Associate, that will be financed by the Company. Every Insurance Intermediary will receive the total amount upon retirement or after leaving European Reliance.
The Company, with this Group Insurance Plan and with other special benefits, creates the conditions for a promising future for the Insurance Intermediaries that will be part of the Selected Associates of the Sales Network.
European Reliance, as a leading force in the insurance sector has selected its Insurance Intermediaries as the only growth lever for the insurance operations and for this reason provides for the Associates, so that they are able to respond to the current demands of the insurance market.