The Insurance Intermediaries that participated and successfully completed the development program “Chartered Insurance Agency Manager” of the worldwide Organization Limra International received their Degrees in a graduation ceremony held in a festive and formal environment.
Limra is a non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States of America and is active worldwide. It is considered the top institution around the world in research and consulting and the training of sales executives for insurance companies.
The Insurance Intermediaries of European Reliance General Insurance Co. S.A. participated in the top development program of the Organization, “Chartered Insurance Agency Manager”, a 3-year long, demanding program, one of the most recognized certifications around the globe for an Insurance Intermediary.
The graduates received their Degrees from Mr. George Gkotzageorgis, Marketing and Sales Network Support Director, Mr. Marios Skordis, Head Officer of the Training Dept., and Mr. Manolis Kyriakou, Senior Regional Executive LIMRA & LOMA, Senior LIMRA Consultant & Instructor, in the presence of the General Director of Limra, Mr. Andy Khoo, the Chief Executive Officer of European Reliance General Insurance Co. S.A., Mr. Chris Georgakopoulos, the Sales Managers of the Company and Top Executives of the Internal Operations.
This program is one of the provisions of the Company to its insurance agents, as part of the investment of European Reliance General Insurance Co. S.A. in life-long learning and training of the personnel, so that they will be able to achieve the main objective of the Company, the provision of specialized and reliable services to the community.