Eurobond Issue

Following a series of meetings with international institutional investors, HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. mandated BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Eurobank Ergasias S.A. and HSBC Bank plc to act as Joint Lead Managers and arrange the issue of a two-year USD denominated Eurobond. The Eurobond will be issued by HELLENIC PETROLEUM FINANCE PLC, a subsidiary of HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A. who will be the guarantor. The issued securities will be listed in the Luxemburg Stock Exchange, while the size and coupon of the issue will be determined once books close in the next few days. 
The proceeds of the issue will be used to refinance existing facilities and for general corporate purposes. The issuance of this Eurobond is in line with the refinancing strategy of the Group to switch part of its funding to USD, being the functional currency for the refining industry, while the tenor has been determined on the basis of current market conditions.