'Cultural Heritage': AB announces its recycling programme results in Greece

AB?s Recycling Campaign -entitled “Cultural Heritage“- results were really positive. The Advertising Campaign lasted one month (11/10-12/10), period during which citizens were asked to recycle in AB Recycling Centers.

During the promotional period, 18,9% increase of collected quantities was achieved and participating citizens recycled in total 851.665 items of metal, plastic and glass packaging that weighted a total of 61.204,16 kg (134,480 pounds).

For the quantities above, AB offered as return ?0.05 for each private label packaging and ?0.03 for all the rest. With the total sum, AB supported “PNOI” association for the purchase of:
  1. High precision pumps, of ?16.470 value for the Children?s? Intensive Care Centre of Patras General Hospital and
  2. 4 monitors, of ?19.992 value for New Born? Intensive Care Centre of Ioannina Academic Hospital.
Additional environmental profits were achieved during the campaign:
  • 28.532,49 kilos of glass were collected which means that the sand of biotopes from which the equivalent glass is produced will be saved. Moreover, 342,39 kilos of oil were saved, that would be used for the glass production.
  • 2.440,47 kilos of aluminium were collected which means that, 11,15 tons of bauxite were saved and 1.708,33 kilos of oil were saved which correspond in power to:
    • 650.792 hours of radio transmission
    • 488.094 hours of television viewing
    • 813.490 hours of light from a 60 watt lamp and
    • 650.792 hours of refrigeration
  • 21.554,10 kilos of plastic were collected which means that, 15.777,60 kilos of gases won?t be released in the atmosphere which contributes to the Greenhouse effect.
In this period of one month, 851.665 packaging were recycled and the volume of waste will help our effort  ?to not leave waste as the inheritance to the next generations.”