Schneider Electric becomes a founding partner of ESCP Europe Internet of Things Chair

  • The Chair will study IoT business and management challenges
  • With this collaboration, Schneider Electric is shaping the connected technologies of tomorrow, their business models and usages
Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, is a founding partner of the Internet of Things (IoT) Chair, launched by ESCP Europe at the start of the academic year 2016-2017. The Chair is dedicated to supporting students, companies and research professors in investigating and researching business and management issues related to digitization and the development of connected devices. Valeo, leading global automotive supplier, is also a founding partner of the Chair.
Creating IoT innovative business models and management practices 
“Schneider Electric uses the Internet of Things technology trend to address and solve customer needs in new and efficient ways. Some problems are age-old – like minimizing downtime in a production process – while other challenges, such as addressing sustainability or regulatory compliance requirements, are emerging. We leverage connectivity, the resulting data and advanced insights from analytics and Big Data and our active control capabilities to unlock new customer value through our solutions and services. IoT is creating a revolution in both ours and our clients’ existing business models and management practices. We believe this Chair, along with Schneider Electric’s collaboration with ESCP Europe, will offer students an opportunity to both learn and shape these emerging practices and position themselves at the forefront of tomorrow’s IoT- enabled workforce.” said Cyril Perducat, Executive Vice President, IoT & Digital Transformation at Schneider Electric.
The new Chair at ESCP Europe, internationally acclaimed business school, will focus research on responses to the IoT revolution from a business perspective: How do we create value for users? What are the different potential business models? How to monetize data from connected products and share value between the different partners?
Stimulating new ideas 
Schneider Innovation at Every Level harnesses the power and promise of the Internet of Things to reshape cities, transform industries and enrich lives through connected products, edge control, and apps, analytics and services. Schneider Electric leverages its expertise in the operational technology (OT) that controls our society’s most important processes and connects it to the information technology (IT) that we rely on to simplify our lives and make better decisions. This approach, which Schneider Electric refers to as building Operational Intelligence, generates actionable information to drive informed decision-making in our homes, our industries, our data centers, our buildings and our cities.
As founding partner of the Chair, Schneider Electric strongly believes next innovative technologies & services will emerge from information sharing and open collaboration between stakeholders. In this respect, the Chair offers the opportunity to take advantage of the dynamic of a world renowned business school, its network and the vision of its teaching staff and speakers, and to draw upon the quality of its research laboratories to optimize the process of researching business models that are durable and profitable for all. It also enables Schneider Electric to partner Valeo, a major industrial group, in order to share and collaborate on usages of connected technologies and create synergies.
Inspiring new IoT talents
The Chair is also an opportunity for Schneider Electric to raise awareness among students from a leading business school about the crucial role of IoT in the world of tomorrow and its implications for business. This new outlook on IoT may lead them to work in partnership with the Group’s R&D centers and benefit from some of their research.
The Chair curriculum will include 120 hours of English classes open to students from the school, starting in January 2017. On graduation, students will receive a Certificate of Connected Business that recognizes the quality of their IoT course. For Schneider Electric, these diplomas will represent a pool of very well-trained talent, ready to innovate and implement their skills in a stimulating environment.
The official launch of the Chair on October 20th 2016 was accompanied by a morning of study on the topic: “Creating value, new economic models and use values” that took place at the Parisian campus of ESCP Europe.