The Group European Reliance, was awarded for eleventh consecutive year as the “True Leader business organization, a fact that makes the Group a member of a very closed team of 6 Groups and Companies, that receive this distinction since the first establishment of the institution.
For another year European Reliance Group of Companies successfully met the four objective criteria for its Profitability, Personnel Increase and Distinguished Position in the Sector, based on the Turnover and Credit Rating.
The “True Leader’ distinction for European Reliance means that the Group is included in the 200 most profitable Groups of 2020, is one of the 150 Groups with the largest number of personnel and that the Company is in the top positions of the Sector, based on the Turnover and today presents high ICAP Score.
Mr. Stefanos Verzovitis, Member of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Finance and Administration of the Company stated regarding the award: “We are especially proud since for 11th consecutive year, we are among the Leaders of the Greek economy. Only 6 companies and Groups in the Greek Market managed to receive this distinction since the first establishment of the institution. The title “True Leader” Company over these years, is the result of the harmonious co-operation, consistency and collective effort of the Management, Human Resources and Sales Network of the Company.
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