Bronze award at the Event Awards for European Reliance

European Reliance received a Bronze Best Corporate Events award at the Event Awards for its conference with the slogan “Development is part of our DNA”.

The concept as well as the conference organization were planned and implemented in collaboration with Momentum/McCann Worldgroup. The conference celebrated 38 successful years of corporate operation, presenting innovative aesthetics state of the art 3D projection mapping, videos and banners.

The event’s source of inspiration was the rapid development to date and the further strengthening of the company. A futuristic tree was our central artistic representation: every Sales Network partner as well as every corporate employee represented a branch of this special tree which grows from the company’s grassroots values.

The conference’s objective was to instill in the 1900 participants the new company’s “dream”, in which were invited to contribute actively while improving their quality of life and personal well-being and self-fulfillment.