MYTILINEOS Holdings: Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD

In 2016, MYTILINEOS Group moved to the creation of the new informational microsite “Integrated Value Creation SCORECARD” which is a modern indexing tool comprised of key financial and non-financial data, highlighting in a direct and comprehensible manner the value produced by the Group for all its Social Partners, depending on the type of resources it manages and utilizes in the context of its activities. 

The structure of the Scorecard focuses on the following triptych: 

  • Report on the resources the Group utilizes in its activities by category
  • Report on the basic 2015 Results
  • Report on Value created in 2015.

It is a tool which demonstrates that Responsible Entrepreneurship constitutes an integral part of the Group’s activities, while being an international practice, under the Guidelines of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).