Renewables: record-breaking 2015, by Enel Green Power Group

As reported in the “Renewables 2016 Global Status Report” by the REN21 organisation, last year “green” energy showed the greatest increase in history. Many accomplishments also for EGP.

2015 was the best year in history for renewable energy. This is confirmed by the “Renewables 2016 Global Status Report” by the REN21 organisation, linked to the United Nations Environmental Programe, which reported that last year plants across the world generated 147 GW of electricity, the largest increase ever.

Several factors contributed to this record, starting with the investments in the renewables sector, which more doubled those in traditional sectors. Other factors were better access to funding, concerns for the environment and the “growing demand for modern energy services in developed and emerging economies”, the report reads.

According to the REN21 executive secretary Christine Lins, what is “really extraordinary about this is that results have been achieved at a time when fossil fuel prices are at historically low levels”. Italy is second only to Germany in solar-photovoltaic capacity per capita, and fifth in overall capacity. Our country is ninth in wind power capacity and sixth for geothermal power.

2015 was a year of great achievements also for Enel Green Power, which opened new plants in Europe and Latin America, and launched innovative projects such as the integration of storage systems into solar and wind farms. 10.6 GW of total installed capacity is the first record with which EGP started last year, rising from 4.8 GW in 2009 to 6.1 in 2010, 8 in 2012 and 9.6 GW in 2014. Also EGP’s geothermal energy in Italy achieved an unprecedented daily production record, with 16.9 GWh and 100% of the turbines in operation, a record that confirms the well-established trend of the Tuscan geothermal district.

Finally the total energy produced in 2015 reached 431 GWh, due to the contribution of seven new plants that were put into service: Cornia II (10.0 GWh), Serra Azul (18.1 GWh), Lalackama II (31.3 GWh) , Melowind (43.6 GWh), Talinay II (129.8 GWh), Goodwell (62.7 GWh) and Dominica II (118.6 GWh).