Social Contribution Events for the collection of school supplies by Alpha Bank

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, Alpha Bank, in the framework of Corporate Social Contribution activities, organised social contribution events in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra and Mitilini, in order to offer school supplies to the children sheltered in institutions of the above-mentioned cities.

Thanks to the large participation of the Bank’s Employees, a total of 261 cartons with school supplies were collected. It should be noted that, additionally, the Bank offered 250 pencil cases ARKTUROS to the children sheltered in the following institutions:

 The Smile of the Child
 Institution “The PEDIKH STEGI”

 Orphanage “The MELISSA”
 The Smile of the Child

 Social Welfare Centre of West Greece Periphery – Achaia Branch for the Child
Protection –Skagiopoulio
 The Smile of the Child

 Orphanage of MITILINI
 Centre of Accommodation for Disabled People “The KIPSELI”.

The events were held in Athens, at the ground floor of the Main Building of Alpha Bank (40,Stadiou Street), in Thessaloniki, at the Egnatia Branch, in Patra, at the Patrai Branch and in Mitilini, at the Mitilini Branch, where the Employees offered school supplies. The items were collected, sorted out and packaged by Volunteers of the Bank.