Social and environmental disclosures are an important step towards improving relationships and trust with stakeholders who increasingly demand higher levels of transparency and accountability. At Hellas Gold S.A. (“Hellas Gold” or the “Company”) we recognize the importance of disclosing non-financial information. For five successive years we have produced an annual Sustainability Report outlining initiatives and management mechanisms in place to identify, manage, monitor and mitigate our current and potential impacts. This Sustainability Report (the “Report”) covers the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2017.
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards*: Core option. The GRI Mining and Metals Sector Supplement was also taken into consideration.
Hellas Gold supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and SDG icons can be found throughout the Report to see how Hellas Gold contributes to sustainable development across our operations.
This Report is the outcome of a collaborative, interdepartmental effort under the coordination of Hellas Gold’s CSR & Community Relations department.
Although the Report is not externally assured, all content has been prepared and reviewed internally. We welcome any feedback from our stakeholders that can help us in our efforts to continuously improve our sustainability approach and reporting practices. Any feedback about this Report can be submitted by phone (+30 23760 25000) or by email: press@gr.eldoradogold.com.
*For more details see: www.globalreporting.org/standards/