The 2018 – 2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) is a collection of the organization’s sustainability goals, grouped under five megatrends. Schneider Electric uses the SSI to share and measure progress toward their sustainability goals. The 2018 – 2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact statement is audited by a third party and progress is published quarterly.
Doing Their Part to Achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consist of 17 objectives for protecting the planet, alleviating poverty, and achieving worldwide peace and justice.
Schneider developed 21 initiatives to support the SDGs. Since 2005, Schneider has updated its scorecard every three years. By tracking sustainability performance and publishing its quarterly results, Schneider upholds commitments to the SDGs and establish themselves as an industry leader in corporate social responsibility.
Beyond its SSI, Schneider also instills a culture around sustainability through performance incentives for employees and leadership. These incentives encourage leaders to prioritize decisions that improve sustainability performance and uphold the SDGs. Up to 20 percent of the variable portion of its leadership’s performance shares depend on achieving SSI targets. In addition, over 10,000 employees in France are incentivized through the SSI.
By 2030, Schneider commits to achieve carbon neutrality across its extended supply chain.
By 2050, Schneider also commit to a 60 percent absolute CO2 reduction for Scopes 1 and 2, meaning, respectively, direct CO2 emissions and indirect CO2 emissions from energy purchased by Schneider Electric.
Additional goals for 2020 include:
- 80% renewable electricity
- 10% CO2 efficiency in transportation
- 120 million metric tons of CO2 avoided on customers’ end through offers25% increase in turnover for EcoStruxure™ Energy & Sustainability Services
Circular Economy
Since 2015, Schneider offers follow the Schneider ecoDesign Way™, which ensures products are easy to maintain, repair, retrofit, and reprocess at the end of their life cycles. Schneider also labeled 178 sites as “toward zero waste to landfill.”
Schneider Electric goals for 2020 include:
- 75% of global sales under its new Green Premium™ program
- 200 sites labeled toward zero waste to landfill
- 100% cardboard and pallets for transport packing from recycled or certified sources
- 120,000 metric tons of avoided primary resources consumption through ecoFit™, recycling, and take-back programs
Health & Equity
Schneider Electric’s employee well-being program has been deployed globally since 2015. It takes a holistic view of well-being, spanning physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions. In addition, Schneider Electric ensures gender pay equity across its value chain.
Schneider Electric’s goals for 2020 include:
- 70% of employees scored in its Employee Engagement Index
- 0.88 medical incident occurs per million hours worked
- 90% of employees have access to a comprehensive well-being at work program
- 100% of employees are working in countries that have fully deployed Schneider Electric’s family leave policy
- 100% of workers received 15 hours of learning in the year with 30% digital learning
- 90% of white-collar workers have an individual development plan
- 95% of employees are working in a country with a commitment and process in place to achieve gender pay equity
Across its value chain, Schneider Electric has implemented a human rights policy and broad program in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Schneider’s goals for 2020 include:
- 5.5pts / 100 increase in average score of ISO 26000 assessment for its strategic suppliers
- 350 suppliers under Human Rights & Environment vigilance received specific on-site assessment
- 100% of sales, procurement, and finance employees trained every year on anti-corruption
By 2025, Schneider Electric will deliver low-carbon lighting and communication solutions to 50 million people. Schneider Electric will also provide energy skills to one million underprivileged people.
Schneider Electric’s goals for 2020 include:
- x4 turnover of its Access to Energy program
- 400,000 underprivileged people trained in energy management
- 15,000 volunteering days thanks to its VolunteerIn global platform
About Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric believes access to energy and digital is a basic human right. Schneider Electric seeks to empower all to do more with less, ensuring Life Is On everywhere, for everyone, at every moment.
Schneider Electric provides energy and automation digital solutions for efficiency and sustainability, combining world-leading energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services into integrated solutions for Homes, Buildings, Data Centers, Infrastructure and Industries.
Schneider Electric is committed to unleashing the infinite possibilities of an open, global, innovative community that is passionate with its Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered values.