Eurobank, driven by its sense of responsibility and commitment to giving back to society, has made corporate responsibility one of the foundations of its strategic planning.
Responding to the needs of today’s ever-changing environment, Eurobank, through its corporate responsibility strategy, aims to actively contribute to the improvement of the economy and society within which it operates, adopting responsible practices that promote transparency and business ethics.
An integral part of Eurobank’s approach to corporate responsibility is the fostering of strong relationships based on trust, cooperation and mutual benefit with all stakeholders affected directly or indirectly by its activities. In this context, Eurobank promotes two-way communication and develops an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders, so as to be able to offer tangible responses to the expectations, concerns and issues raised by all its stakeholders:
Shareholders, Employees, Customers, Investment Analysts and Investors, Government and Regulatory Authorities, Business Community Organisations, Young Entrepreneurs, Suppliers, Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations, Local Communities and the Media.