Alpha Bank: Nomos-Nomizo-Nomisma: Corporate Responsibility 2019 Award

Alpha Bank’s program “Nomos-Nomizo-Nomisma” that gives to primary and secondary school students the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of ancient Greek coins, their iconography, their diffusion and their use as a medium of exchange, received a distinction in Corporate Responsibility 2019 Awards.

In specific, the innovative educational program which has been designed by the Bank’s Numismatic Collection was distinguished in the section “Society, Culture and Sports” and category “Large Corporates”, at the 8th competition of Corporate Responsibility Awards organized by the Hellenic Advertisers Association.

Since January 2017, the specially designed “suitcase” of the program “travels” to schools all over Greece, offering experiential learning to the students and innovative and interactive educational material to the teachers, for the efficient and creative delivery of the course inside the classroom.

In total, 13,136 students from 271 kindergartens, primary schools, high schools, music and special schools across Greece have learned about the history of the ancient Greek coins and how their use modified society.

Regarding the Program’s Award, the Curator of Alpha Bank’s Numismatic Collection, Dr Dimitra Tsangari stated: “The distinction of the program ‘Nomos-Nomizo-Nomisma’ demonstrates the corporate responsibility of Alpha Bank which provides ongoing support to the education and culture with a number of initiatives and programs. At the same time, the keen reception of the Program from the students and the teachers all over the country, highlights the strong interest for the history and the use of coinage throughout the centuries as well as for the cultivation of a responsible transaction behavior starting from the school environment”.

For more information about the program “Nomos-Nomizo-Nomisma”, click here.