Global Sustain: Hellenic Asset Management adopts the Principles of Responsible Investment

PRI signatory with the support of Global Sustain 

Press Release

Hellenic Asset Management, an Alternative Investment Fund Management firm authorized and regulated by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as a dedicated supporter of global initiatives regarding sustainable development and responsible investing, joined the Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI) initiative as an “Investment Manager Signatory”, with the support of Global Sustain, a firm specialized in ESG Responsible Investing Research & Integration & Sustainablity Strategy.

PRI is the most recognized and accredited action for the promotion of responsible investments and the integration of the ESG criteria into investment decisions in a global level, created with the support of the United Nations and the UNEP FI. Today, PRI lists 3,000 companies and organizations with USD 90 trillion AuM.

As a PRI signatory, Hellenic Asset Management adopts the following principles of responsible investment:
  • Incorporation of ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
  • Active ownership and incorporation of ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
  • Seeking of appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which the company invests.
  • Promotion of acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
  • Collaboration for the enhancement of the corporate effectiveness in the implementation of the principles.
  • Submission of a Transparency Report regarding the activities and implementation progress of principles.

Mr. Yannis Salavopoulos, Managing Director of Global Sustain GmBH quoted: “We continue to support investment companies, banks and organisatiοns that wish to incorporate ESG criteria (Environment – Social – Governance) into investment decisions and corporate strategy and be part of global initiatives such as PRI by thereby ensuring a long-term sustainable outcome.”