RSM: Latest Legislative Act regarding the extension of the deadline for the payment of current insurance contributions for April 2020

The extension of the deadline for payment of the current insurance contributions of April 2020 is up to 30/11/2020 

Press Release

Extension of the deadline for companies-employers affected by COVID-19 pandemic

With the decision Δ.15 / Δ ‘/ οικ.16484 / 499 (FEK B’ 1775 / 09-05-2020) of the Ministers of Finance and Labor & Social Affairs, there is provision for the extension of the deadline for payment of the current insurance contributions of April 2020 up to 30/11/2020 (instead of 31/05/2020) for the companies-employers who were either forced to cease their operations or considered to be affected according to the declared KAD on 20/03/2020, provided that the employment contracts under suspension are not terminated and that the same number of jobs are maintained for the prerequisite legislated period.

Extension of the deadline for self-employed professionals

With the decision Δ.15 / Δ ‘/ οικ.16486 / 500 (FEK B’ 1775 / 09-05-2020) of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs there is provision for the extension of the deadline for payment of the current insurance contributions for the month of April 2020 up to four (4) equal monthly installments payable until the last working day of each month, with a deadline of payment of the first installment until 31/10/2020 for self-employed professionals who were either forced to cease their operations or considered to be affected according to the declared KAD on 20/03/ 2020.