Pioneer in Corporate Responsibility
European Reliance has been awarded as a pioneer, dedicated to the implementation and promotion of the principles of Sustainable Development and Responsible Entrepreneurship, in a ceremony that took place on Monday, December 7, 2020, to present the 25 businesses -role models- that create the Business Map of Sustainable Development in Greece under the title “The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece 2020”,
These 25 companies were selected and included, after a special assessment, in the list of the “Sustainability Performance Directory”, a Business Indicator for Sustainable Development, that was created in accordance with the specifications of the Greek Sustainability Code. The Sustainability Performance Directory is a tool that will support businesses in the implementation of the regulatory framework, required in the publication of the non-financial information and enhances the competitiveness among them.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Mr. Christos Georgakopoulos, stated: “European Reliance Group of Companies performs a series of Corporate Social Responsibility actions, aiming to defend the human rights, improve the working conditions, protect the environment and fight corruption. These actions have been planned by the Human Resources of the Company and fully comply with the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, the principles of ISO 26000 certification and the GRI Reporting Standards”.
The President of the QualityNet Foundation, Ms. Chrysoula Exarchou, stated: “Businesses that are among “The Most Sustainable Companies in Greece 2020” are role models in the Greek market, are “Great Examples of Socially Responsible Businesses” and “Greek Ambassadors of a new sustainability model” abroad. These businesses, were selected through an independent, documented procedure for the Sustainability Performance Directory, pave the way and light up the path for Sustainable Development in Greek Entrepreneurship”.
The interested parties may find further information and read our Sustainability Report in the section Corporate Social Responsibility in our website
Article and photo source: Press Release / Newsletter