Global Sustain reinforces Management Team

In an era of significant challenges and continuous growth, Global Sustain reinforces its management team to provide high level consulting services to its clients, members and partners.

Therefore, the position of General Manager was added to the company’s organizational structure, entrusted to Katerina Perissi. Mrs. Perissi will be responsible for the Group’s overall performance, the administrative and financial management, as well as the monitoring of corporate procedures and growth. 

With over 20 years of presence in the field of sustainable development and corporate responsibility, she has vast experience regarding sustainable strategy, reporting, environmental management and corporate communications. During 2003-2020, Katerina held leading positions in OTE Group, managing salient and complex projects, including the Group’s environmental performance, ISO 14001 certification and waste management, while overseeing the Group’s climate-related targets. From 2003 to 2012, she led the development and implementation of OTE Group’s corporate responsibility program, including the preparation of the Group’s Corporate Responsibility Reports (in accordance to international standards and external assurance). Moreover, from 2008 and on, Katerina was responsible for the company’s inclusion in prominent ESG Ratings, such as FTSE4Good Index, Vigeo Eiris,  e.t.c. 

Katerina Perissi has a BA in Civil Engineering and a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration, by the Hellenic Management Association.

Global Sustain also announces the assignment of Lina Maggina in the position of ESG & Sustainability Manager. Possessing a significant experience in the field of sustainable development, Lina will lead of Advisory and Project Management Department. She will be responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing ESG and Sustainability projects in Greece and abroad. Lina has experience in materiality analysis, stakeholder dialogue, preparation of Integrated Reporting and reporting standards (GRI, AA1000, etc). Moreover, as a Sustainability Specialist in OTE Group’s Corporate Communications Dept., she has also been involved in the preparation of BTL campaigns and press releases. Lina’s years of experience, strategic mindset and project management capabilities will reinforce Global Sustain’s projects portfolio.

She holds an MSc. In European Politics and Policy from UCL (University College London), and a B.A in “Translation and Interpretation” from the University of Strasbourg “Marc Bloch” (Strasbourg II).

The Advisory and Project Management’s Department team of Global Sustain is also expanding, with the addition of a new ESG & Sustainability Consultant – Elena Dimaki, a graduate of the Production Engineering and Management Department of the Technical University of Crete, who has completed her internship at the Company. Elena, has written a dissertation on Non-Financial Rating Agencies (ESG Rating Agencies), in collaboration with Global Sustain and the Financial Engineering Laboratory of the Technical University of Crete, which is to be published in a scientific journal.

Finally, the company announces the departure of Constantina Batsari, whom we thank for her contribution to the development of the company’s Advisory and Project Management Department, wishing her every success in her next professional step.

Michael Spanos, CEO of Global Sustain stated: “The addition of new, qualified executives, reaffirms our intention to enhance the company’s sustainable development and responsible investment advisory and consulting practice. I am certain that their experience and capacities will contribute to an even better understanding of the market’s growing needs and provide upscale quality services”.

About Global Sustain
Since 2006, Global Sustain provides a wide range of services and solutions to support its members and clients succeeding triple bottom line results. Based in London, Berlin and Athens, with offices in Brussels, Cairo, London and Larnaca, Global Sustain offers innovative online and off-line services related to sustainability, corporate responsibility, responsible investing, green economy, business ethics and excellence, transparency, human rights and accountability. Its members include corporations, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, municipalities and local authorities, academic institutions, media, professional bodies, service providers, chambers, think tanks and other public or private entities. Global Sustain cooperates and is a member of international organizations such as UN Global Compact, UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Social Value International, Institute of Directors (IOD), CEO Clubs and TCFD.,