The New Law 4799/2021 (Government Gazette A ’78 / 18-05-2021) brings new important tax measures for companies in order to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. Our experts have collected and translated the most important tax measures and are summarized below.
Article 110. Extension of the measure of the exemption from the full payment of the rent of professional leases
The measure of exemption from the lease of professional lease for companies for which special and extraordinary measures have been taken for suspension or temporary ban of operation for precautionary or repressive reasons related to the coronavirus COVID-19 or which are financially affected due to the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 and belong to specific business sectors is extended for the month of May. The affected companies are identified by sector and per month by decision of the Minister of Finance, following a recommendation of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (A.A.D.E.)
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Article and photo source: Press Release / Newsletter