Happy New Year! Doctors of the World (MdM-Greece) and Archipelagos receive 25% of EuroCharity’s 2007 CSR Directory revenues

EuroCharity is pleased to announce that 25% of its on-line CSR Directory revenues for 2007 have been donated to the following two Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Greece:

Through these year-end donations, EuroCharity will help finance MdM-Greece’s “Open Polyclinic” programme in Athens and Thessaloniki (http://www.mdmgreece.gr/index.phpoption=com_content&task=v) as well as Archipelagos’ “Kivotos” plant genetic resources bank (formerly known as “Seed Bank of Aegean Flora”) to fight the rapid disappearance of Greece’s local crop varieties, even in the most remote islands, and encourage biodiversity (http://en.archipelago.gr/pages/Seed_Bank_of_Aegean_Flora.html). Archipelagos closely co-operates with Greece’s National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.) (http://www.nagref.gr/index_uk.htm) on this important nationwide programme.

Throughout 2008, EuroCharity will place these two worthy programmes in the spotlight and encourage our readers as well as corporate and individual members to get pro-actively involved by making (in-kind) donations, volunteering for these projects in Greece or offering other assistance of any kind and, therefore, making a world of difference!

Last year, EuroChartity donated 25% of its CSR Directory revenues to “The Smile of the Child” association for children in Greece and Cyprus (http://www.eurocharity.org/en/company.php?company_id=7).

EuroCharity wishes to thank the following corporate members for their generous contribution and support in 2007:

  • Halyps Building Materials S.A. (Italcementi Group);
  • GENESIS Pharma S.A.;
  • Environmental Protection and Management, Environmental Consultants Inc.;
  • Coca-Cola Hellas S.A.;
  • Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation Α.Ε. (OTE);
  • MEDA Communication S.A. (“Encouraging Corporate Best Behaviour”);
  • Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company S.A. (EYDAP),
  • COSMOTE Mobile Telecommunications S.A.;
  • FINITSI Industrial & Maritime Services;
  • INTERAMERICAN Hellenic Life Insurance Company S.A. (Member of EUREKO);
  • HELIOSRES (Odysseas Diamantis & Co. E.E.);
  • CLARUS Advisory Ltd.;
  • WIND Hellas Telecommunications S.A.; and
  • ALDEMAR Hotels & Spa.

EuroCharity wishes all its members and stakeholders a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Responsible New Year!