EuroCharity’s Yearbook 2007

A new book in the making: EuroCharity’s Yearbook 2007

Special focus on how the business community responded with positive actions to Greece’s catastrophic forest fires in summer 2007

EuroCharity is currently in the process of publishing a new book entitled “The Spirit of the Forest”. Touching on Greece’s disastrous forest fires, “The Spirit of the Forest” will particularly focus on how the business community responded to last year’s horrific catastrophes and crisis with positive, voluntary and restorative actions, such as providing assistance, making in-kind and financial donations, mobilising staff, offering services free of charge, cancelling loans and giving shelter to fire victims, rebuilding their homes and villages in fire-stricken areas, getting involved in reforestation programmes, etc.

Scheduled to be published in the second quarter of 2008, this special book will be printed and edited by Livanis Publishing Organisation, Greece’s leading publicly-listed publishing house.

EuroCharity’s landmark Yearbook 2007 shall include special messages, numerous forewords, a plethora of photographs as well as practical tips on how to prevent such unprecedented wildfires in future. This limited-edition book will not be available in bookstores but only through the companies and organisations that will be presenting their actions, programmes and initiatives in this limited-edition publication, as well as via EuroCharity. It will also be distributed to the delegates of selected conferences, exhibitions and events in Greece that EuroCharity is officially supporting and/or co-organising throughout 2008.

For further information on how to be included in — or pre-order copies of — EuroCharity’s Yearbook 2007, please contact EuroCharity at Tel.: +30 210 747 5845-8. Fax: +30 210 747 5849.

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